6 Most Common Mistakes Made in IT Services Tucson

6 Most Common Mistakes Made in IT Services Tucson

Perhaps there is nothing more critical for a company than choosing the right IT services. If you make a mistake in this area, your team will be less productive, your company will be less profitable, and your entire organization could be at risk from a plethora of cyber-threats or technology failures.

To make sure you’re making the right choice for your business, you’ll need to be aware of and avoid some of the mistakes made by IT services in Tucson and beyond. By understanding these missteps, you can position your company to succeed.

Not Getting Expert Help

One of the biggest IT mistakes you can make is not getting expert help. Yes, a “do it yourself” mentality can be incredibly helpful when your business is just starting out, but it will soon be important to recognize the value of choosing professional Managed Services and IT Solutions.

Neglecting the Cloud

Some people are still working under the assumption that the cloud is dangerous or easily accessible by outside and nefarious sources. You might believe it’s too difficult for your staff to understand or too expensive for your company, or you may have fears about security or access to your data.

The reality is, cloud computing provides many benefits, from increased computing power to higher amounts of storage to better collaboration. However, it’s crucial that your company’s cloud is set up and configured correctly. Your IT provider will need to ensure that the set up is secure as well as easy and convenient to use. The best IT services Tucson has to offer will understand this.

Using Outdated Tools & Software

Outdated software and other tools is a huge security risk. If your IT provider isn’t making sure your company is running the latest versions of all software, there’s a good chance your business is vulnerable to hackers and other threats.

If you don’t have the right professionals managing your IT, you’re leaving the task of staying up to date in the hands of your staff. There’s a good chance that they’re just hitting “remind me later” instead of updating their software because they don’t want to wait and want to get back to work.

A proactive, managed IT services team will make sure that not only is all software up to date, but that these updates have the least possible impact on day-to-day operations.

Being Reactive, Not Proactive

Speaking of being proactive, you can’t treat IT services as a “set it and forget it” situation. Yes, a good IT professional will solve your technical problems and resolve issues as they come up, but this isn’t all they should do. Technology changes all the time. There are new cybersecurity threats every day. Taking a proactive approach to protection and security solutions keeps you safe.

Treating Every Customer the Same

Each customer is unique, with needs and requirements that are different from just about everyone else. If a company tries to sell you a “one size fits all” service, you should be skeptical. You want to work with an organization that recognizes your situation and that gives you the services you need.

A good IT services company will take time to understand the needs of your business, your processes, your goals, and the challenges you face.

Not Supporting Business Growth

The best IT services in Tucson and beyond are scalable. That’s because businesses grow and change. There are always new initiatives, new markets, infrastructure changes, and much more. When your business is growing, you want to make sure your IT services are growing right along with it. You don’t want to find yourself being held back by your IT when you’re trying to move forward.

How to Avoid IT Services Tucson Mistakes

Choosing the right IT services, backup solutions, and disaster recovery options is critical. Now that you know the most common mistakes, how can you avoid them? Finding the right information technology, cloud backup, and managed services company is the answer. When you choose the right IT services Tucson has to offer, you’re making a choice that will improve all aspects of your business.

The professionals at Hart Technology Solutions are here to help. We understand how crucial this decision is and why it’s so critical to trust the team that is handling your IT. That’s why we provide proactive, efficient, and quality services that deliver exceptional value to our clients. For more information or to find out how your company can make the right choice for your IT needs, schedule a Tech Evaluation with our team today.